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Research Fellow in Earth Science

University of Southampton - Geology & Geophysics

Location: Southampton
Salary: £35,880 to £43,878 per annum
Hours: Full Time
Contract Type: Fixed-Term/Contract
Placed On: 10th February 2025
Closes: 21st February 2025
Job Ref: 3003625HN

Full Time Fixed Term for 36 months

The successful candidate will investigate the causes of Snowball Earth glaciations by integrating insights from the solid Earth and geochemical cycles before, during, and after these events. Fieldwork will be conducted in remote locations, such as the Scottish Isles, and potentially Greenland, Africa, and South Australia. Prior experience working in remote and challenging environments is essential.

The role will involve detailed field measurements (e.g., stratigraphic analysis, magnetic susceptibility) and sampling for subsequent laboratory analysis. The candidate will also carry out analytical work, including isotopic analysis and radiometric dating, with potential to develop skills in statistical approaches, supported by EILAB colleagues. The candidate may take on responsibility for administrative tasks, such as obtaining necessary permits for sampling/drilling.

We are seeking a researcher who can think broadly and collaboratively about geological processes during this critical period, progressing toward a data-driven, quantitative understanding of the mechanisms driving Earth’s climate evolution.

About you

Applicants must hold a PhD in Earth Science or a closely related field and demonstrate a proven track record in conducting detailed geological fieldwork. Strong analytical skills, particularly in geochemical techniques, are essential. Experience or knowledge in one or more of the following areas would be advantageous: paleoclimate data visualisation (e.g., time series analysis), the co-evolution of life and environments, atmosphere-ocean interactions, or modelling Earth surface processes related to climate evolution.

We encourage applications from highly motivated individuals with a strong background and experience in field-based geoscience. A solid publication record, excellent written and oral communication (and ideally public engagement/outreach) skills, and prior experience in Earth science research—ideally with a paleoclimate focus—are important.

Applications for Research Fellow positions will be considered from candidates who are working towards or nearing completion of a relevant PhD qualification.  The title of Research Fellow will be applied upon successful completion of the PhD.  Prior to the qualification being awarded the title of Senior Research Assistant will be given.

What we can offer you

You'll be part of a cutting-edge research group dedicated to understanding our climate and making a positive impact on our understanding of our world.

For an informal discussion about the role, please contact Professor Tom Gernon by email at

A complete application should include (i) a Cover letter, (ii) a Curriculum Vitae, including a list of publications and contact information of two referees; and (iii) 1-page statement of research interests.

 Apply by 11.59 pm GMT on the closing date. For assistance contact Recruitment on +44(0)2380 592750 or quoting the job number.

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