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Senior Project Manager

University of Leeds - National Institute of Health and Care Research

Location: Leeds
Salary: £47,874 to £56,921 Grade 8, per annum pro rata
Hours: Full Time
Contract Type: Permanent
Placed On: 7th February 2025
Closes: 9th March 2025
Job Ref: MHNCC1667

The University of Leeds has been chosen by the UK government to lead the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Research Delivery Network Coordinating Centre (RDNCC), and will be joined by 12 new Regional Research Delivery Networks (RRDNs), hosted by NHS organisations across the country to form the NIHR Research Delivery Network (RDN). The new NIHR RDN will operate as one unified organisation across England, balancing regional context, expertise and leadership with national coordination and strategy involving government policymakers. The RDNCC will work across England’s health and care system, with staff in all settings, to support the effective and efficient initiation and delivery of research.

You will be a professionally qualified project or programme manager responsible for providing project and programme management expertise to the RDN delivering on large scale national RDN project requirements, as well as wider NIHR programmes.

You will proactively develop a profile within the RDNCC and work collaboratively with individuals and groups both across the RDN and the University of Leeds, and with external stakeholders in a host of settings. Working with your Director and Head of function, you will support the delivery of the organisation-wide shift in ways of working and culture that is required to ensure the network functions as a single organisation with a shared purpose and vision across England, as well as supporting colleagues and managing your own team through the period of transformation and beyond. 

This role requires some national travel.     

Contact Information:

To explore this post further or for any queries, please contact: 

Jane Wilcox, Head of Programmes, email:

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