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Research Associate / Senior Research Associate in Event-Triggered Machine Learning

Newcastle University - School of Engineering

Location: Newcastle upon Tyne
Salary: £35,116 to £55,755 per annum
Hours: Full Time
Contract Type: Fixed-Term/Contract
Placed On: 7th February 2025
Closes: 7th March 2025
Job Ref: 27752

Company description:

We are a world class research-intensive university. We deliver teaching and learning of the highest quality. We play a leading role in economic, social and cultural development of the North East of England. Attracting and retaining high-calibre people is fundamental to our continued success.

Job description:


Research Associate: £35,116 to £45,413 per annum

Senior Research Associate: £46,735 - £55,755 per annum

The Role

We are looking to recruit a Research Associate (RA) or Senior Research Associate (SRA) to contribute to the School of Engineering's latest EPSRC grant, "SONNETS: Scalability Oriented Novel Network of Event Triggered Systems." The role holder should possess a relevant background in hardware/software co-design for machine learning systems and demonstrate proficiency in programming with Python/C++. Additionally, proficiency in FPGA programming is essential (refer to the role descriptors below for RA and SRA).

The SONNETS project is a new £7.5M EPSRC programme grant jointly led by the University of Southampton, Imperial College London, and Newcastle University. Over the next four years the project will continue creating new tools, algorithms, and systems for monitoring and estimating UK national financial risk.

We are creating a digital shadow system for the UKs economy which constantly ingests data from many sources, generates potential adverse scenarios, models and labels the scenarios, and uses new and existing machine learning methods (such as Tsetlin machines and neural networks) to build intelligent and proactive risk models. The diverse set of modelling, learning, and data management components are expected to run on a heterogenous cloud, using an approach called event-triggered computing to execute and manage computation. The project engages with several industrial partners, whose areas of expertise range from generating financial data to crafting machine learning solutions for large-scale, high-performance systems.

The Microsystems Group at Newcastle has international leadership with pioneering research in microelectronics design and computer systems engineering. The group comprises 11 academic members, over 14 Research Assistants/Associates, and more than 30 PhD students. Over the last 5 years, the group has secured funding exceeding £22 million from EPSRC and other funding organizations, spun out two companies such as Literal Labs and Microbritt and generated numerous prototype microchips.

The role is fixed term for 24 months.

For more information about the School of Engineering click here

For informal queries please contact Professor Rishad Shafik

To apply, please provide evidence of how you meet the essential criteria required for the role outlined in ‘The Person' by uploading a letter of application along with your Curriculum Vitae (CV).

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