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PhD Studentship: Next-Generation Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment Using Integrated Snake-Like Robot With Optical Imaging

University of Nottingham - Physics & Astronomy

Qualification Type: PhD
Location: Nottingham
Funding for: UK Students
Funding amount: fully-funded (stipend and PhD fees)
Hours: Full Time
Placed On: 7th February 2025
Closes: 7th February 2025
Reference: SCI294

Area: Physics & Astronomy


Prof Ioan Notingher (School of Physics and Astronomy)

Dr George Gordon and Dr Abdelkhalick Mohammad (Faculty of Engineering)

Funding: fully-funded (stipend and PhD fees)

Start date: September 2025 Duration: 3.5 years

Subject Area: Biophotonics/Optics/Engineering

The cancer of the bile ducts affects around 3000 people in the UK each year and its incidence and mortality are increasing. We are seeking a Ph.D. student to join our multidisciplinary team developing a radical solution for better detection and treatment that uses ultra-thin snake-like robots and advanced optical imaging techniques.   We aim to combine Raman spectroscopy, a powerful label-free analytical technique that measures the molecular composition of tissue by using light to excite molecular vibrations, with imaging techniques in optical fibres, hair-thin pieces of glass, for 3D mapping of cancer tissue. Using lasers in the visible range allow the Raman measurements to be integrated with cutting edge fibre-optics and micro-imaging modalities, such that molecular specific information can be obtained from microscopic biological samples and maps of cancer can be made. The probe will enable precise navigation into the body, delivering high-resolution imaging and molecular Raman sensing to improve diagnosis of cancer and enable localised treatment.

What we offer:

  • The chance to work in a world-class multi-disciplinary team consisting of physicists, engineers and clinicians: an excellent opportunity for inter-disciplinary training.
  • 3.5 years funding includes stipend, tuition fees for UK students
  • A supportive environment as signatories of the Researcher Development Concordat (
  • The opportunity to produce high-quality publications
  • Funding for research consumables, Travel to international conferences.

What you should have:

  • A 1st degree in physics or engineering.
  • An interest in optics, some ability in computer programming
  • A desire to learn new skills in complementary disciplines.

You will work jointly between the labs of Prof. Notingher (expertise in Raman spectroscopy), Dr. Gordon (Optical Fibre Imaging) and Dr Mohammad (snake-like medical robots).

For further information: please contact Ioan Notingher (

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