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Postgraduate Research Fellow in Business Continuity

De Montfort University - Faculty of Business & Law

Location: Leicester
Salary: £39,105 to £42,632 Grade F
Hours: Full Time
Contract Type: Fixed-Term/Contract
Placed On: 6th February 2025
Closes: 6th March 2025
Job Ref: B-62970026-02

Faculty / Directorate

The School of Leadership, Management and Marketing in the Faculty of Business and Law at De Montfort University seeks to appoint a 24-month full-time Postdoctoral Research Fellow to work on the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) funded project on Improving business continuity for health services following extreme weather events.

De Montfort University (DMU) is a key UK university partner that is working with academic and community partners in Malawi, Tanzania, Vietnam and Uganda on this multi-stage, multi-method and co-created project. We aim to develop solutions for improving business continuity for health services following extreme weather events. This project brings together expertise in business continuity management (BCM), resilience engineering and participatory processes including community, patient and carer involvement, along with expertise in public health and health service management. The role will support the UK work package lead (based at DMU) that focuses on the BCM dimensions of the project.


  • You will work on a multi-disciplinary research project called RESHAPE (RESilience in HeAlth Post-Extreme weather events) funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR).
  • RESHAPE is an international and cross-disciplinary project that aims to improve business continuity for health services following extreme weather events (EWEs). The project will generate context-specific knowledge of how High Resilience Healthcare Delivery (HRHD) can be developed and sustained in lower- and middle-income countries in the context of EWEs.
  • Your role will focus on the work package in the project that will develop the high resilience healthcare delivery (HRHD) framework.
  • The role holder will support the UK work package lead (Dr Brahim Herbane) on the business continuity management (BCM) dimensions of the project. The role will include core activities relating to the work package, including preparatory research for development and refinement of data collection instruments, preparations for and delivery of training to project partners and research teams in advance of data collection, data analysis, and preparation of results for publication.
  • The role will involve working virtually with project partners, including UK partners, and academic and community partners in Malawi, Tanzania, Vietnam and Uganda.
  • This role will be based at the De Montfort University campus in Leicester. We are open to discussing flexible working arrangements.

Ideal Candidate

This position is ideal for an early postdoctoral researcher with a strong desire to enhance their skills and build experience working on an international research project. Strong data analysis and writing skills are essential and you should have experience in advanced social science methodologies.

With a PhD (or having submitted your thesis before taking up the role) in a business continuity/organizational resilience-related-area, you are expected to demonstrate theoretical and practical understanding of detailed techniques, processes and standards relating to BCM and organizational resilience, an ability to learn and apply advanced social science methodologies, and an aptitude to work on policy development and capacity building.

For further information regarding the skills required for this role, please see the person specification and job description.

To discuss the post further or for any queries that you may have, please contact: Dr Brahim Herbane -

Closing date: 06 March 2025

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