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Finance Administrator

Durham University

Location: Durham
Salary: £24,044 to £25,433
Hours: Part Time
Contract Type: Fixed-Term/Contract
Placed On: 6th February 2025
Closes: 19th February 2025
Job Ref: 25000087

The Role and the Department

The Student Enrichment Directorate (SED) is striving to play a pivotal role in developing, delivering and transforming a Wider Student Experience that is as impactful as anything in the world. We remain steadfast in our core commitment to accelerating the growth of far-reaching and market-leading programmes across performance, participation and community outreach, whilst fostering a culture that safeguards academic excellence. We are guided by the belief that an investment in the Wider Student Experience is ultimately an investment in the quality of graduates that the University produces and ar e motivated by the opportunity to engage and inspire the next generation of talent. In doing so, we feel confident that we are making a positive contribution to the development of rounded, global citizens.

The Finance Administrator will provide operational and financial administration and support integral to the smooth delivery of services to Durham Student Organisations (DSO) in the Performing Arts Unit.Based at the Sir Thomas Allen Assembly Rooms Theatre, the Student Performing Arts Unit supports students to present their own theatre shows and music concerts.

They will work closely with the Finance Manager (SED), Performing Arts Senior Manager, and Assistant Finance Manager (DSO) on transactional processing of all financial activities in order to provide a high quality finance service to the SED.

Contact details

If you would like to have a chat or ask any questions about the role, Debra Horseman would be happy to speak to you.

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