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Pedro Arrupe Research Fellowship in Forced Migration Studies

University of Oxford - Campion Hall

Location: Oxford
Salary: £36,000 to £40,000 per annum
Hours: Full Time
Contract Type: Fixed-Term/Contract
Placed On: 5th February 2025
Closes: 28th February 2025

The Pedro Arrupe Fellowship in Forced Migration Studies is a three-year research post focused primarily on original independent academic research relating to forced migration. It is made possible by a unique collaboration among Campion Hall, the Refugee Studies Centre, and Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) International. The Fellow will be hosted by a welcoming, supportive, and lively academic community at Campion Hall; will be involved in the research and teaching activity of a world-leading, multidisciplinary centre for forced migration studies; and will interact with a major humanitarian NGO with global reach.

The individual appointed will be employed as a Fellow of Campion Hall and will be given a Research Associateship at the Refugee Studies Centre. Their work will be linked to Jesuit Refugee Service through a contact person in the organisation. The post-holder will present the results of their research to academics, policy-makers, and practitioners as appropriate.

The Fellow will participate in the Hall’s academic life, for example, by participating in or offering seminars or presenting some aspect of their research at a ‘Work in Progress’. As a Fellow, they will have free dining rights and be invited to guest nights, and enjoy the use of the facilities of the Hall (Common Room, Library, etc.). They will also contribute to the Pedro Arrupe Summer School held annually at Campion Hall.

The appointed Fellow will have office space at the Refugee Studies Centre, be affiliated as a Research Associate, and will engage in a programme of independent research relating to forced migration. Although the focus of the post is research, the Fellow will, by agreement with Campion Hall, contribute to teaching and supervision on the MSc in Refugee and Forced Migration Studies. It is expected that the Fellow will normally offer an option course for the MSc (typically around 2 contact hours of teaching per week during termtime), in 2 out of the 3 years of the Fellowship, but this pattern may vary. Teaching and supervision commitments should not normally exceed 6 contact hours per week. The Fellow will also have the opportunity to interact with early career and post-doctoral researchers at the Work in Progress Seminar in the Centre, giving feedback on others’ work and presenting their own work. There will be a nominated Departmental Mentor to offer advice and support throughout the term of the Fellowship.

The Fellow will work with the JRS on a mutually-agreed basis and make research available to JRS for the purposes of advocacy, programme development and the thematic preparation of new areas of work. This may include attending meetings, conferences and planning sessions. The Fellowship holder may have opportunity to engage with the work of JRS UK, by agreement with Campion Hall.

The post-holder will be invited to offer a public Lecture based on the fruits of their research, involving audiences related to the three host institutions, either at the end of the Fellowship or shortly after its conclusion.


The basic salary will be in the range of £36,000 to £40,000 per annum, based on candidate experience. There will be an annual research allowance of £2,500 for travel, conference and other research related expenditure, provided through RSC and Campion Hall. The Fellow may apply to JRS International for up to 10,000 Euros annually for expenditure on research and related costs, for work related to JRS priorities, at the discretion of JRS.

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