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Research Assistant/Associate in Neutron Stars

Newcastle University - School of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics

Location: Newcastle upon Tyne
Salary: £32,296 to £37,999 per annum
Hours: Full Time
Contract Type: Fixed-Term/Contract
Placed On: 4th February 2025
Closes: 18th March 2025
Job Ref: 27904

Company description:

We are a world class research-intensive university. We deliver teaching and learning of the highest quality. We play a leading role in economic, social and cultural development of the North East of England. Attracting and retaining high-calibre people is fundamental to our continued success.


Research Assistant: £32,296 to £33,882 per annum

Research Associate: £34,866 to £37,999 per annum

Job description:

The Role

The position is funded by the Royal Society and will be supervised by Dr Andrei Igoshev at Newcastle University. The wider Newcastle group has expertise in compact objects, active galactic nuclei, stars, cosmology, and magneto-hydrodynamics.

The role involves developing Dedalus-based codes (other alternatives include MagIC, PARODY or other pseudo-spectral codes capable of solving equations in spherical geometry) to solve systems of magnetohydrodynamics equations relevant for modelling superconductivity in neutron star cores. Applications are particularly welcome from candidates with experience in numerical modelling of solar tachocline, geo- and stellar dynamo, neutron star cooling, magnetic field evolution in neutron stars and/or candidates with expertise in theory of superconductivity.

The position is 2 year fixed term in duration with a possibility for extension for another 2 years.

The role is full time hours (37 per week) and an estimated start date of December 2025. Start dates and flexible working are negotiable.

To apply, please complete the online application by uploading a CV and a cover letter. Your cover letter should outline, in two pages or less, how your experience meets the criteria as set out in the person specification and interests are suitable for the post. Short-listing will take place as soon as possible after the application submission deadline.

For informal enquiries about this vacancy, please contact Dr Andrei Igoshev 
For further details about School of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics, please click here
Full Information about Newcastle University can be found here.

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