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University of Oxford - Nuffield Department of Orthopaedics, Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Sciences, Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology

Location: Oxford
Salary: £48,235 to £57,255 per annum
Hours: Full Time
Contract Type: Fixed-Term/Contract
Placed On: 4th February 2025
Closes: 4th March 2025
Job Ref: 177940

We are seeking a postdoctoral bioinformatician to join Dr. Progatzky's interdisciplinary laboratory for an exciting opportunity focused on cell-atlasing. This role aims to uncover systems-level insights into human peripheral glia across barrier organs in both health and disease. You will collaborate with the Dendrou lab at the Kennedy Institute and also the Haniffa lab at Sanger Institute. You will analyse large-scale single-cell and spatial genomics datasets, generating novel insights into peripheral glial biology providing and hypothesis for experiments conducted in the lab. Working closely with the wet lab team, you will help identify key regulatory mechanisms for functional validation, fostering hypothesis-driven translational research.

You will develop, tailor, and implement methodologies, tools, and informatics structures for data analysis and management in collaboration with the research team. Additionally, you will develop statistical analysis plans and contribute to the design and planning of studies, as well as provide guidance to laboratory and biostatistical staff, assisting with project-related tasks as needed.
You must hold a PhD in Bioinformatics, Statistics, Mathematics, Computer Science, or a related computational field with relevance to tissue biology, particularly in inflammatory disease contexts. You will have proven experience in genomics, high-throughput data processing, and analysis, with specific expertise in single-cell RNA-seq data (e.g., 10X Genomics platforms). Experience with High-Performance Computing (HPC) and/or cloud computing is desirable.
This is a fixed-term, full time position for 3 years.
A lower grade offer (Grade 7: £38,674 - £46,913 p.a.) may be made to a less experienced candidate if a suitable candidate cannot be found to fill the Grade 8 position. 
Due to the nature of the research at the Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology, this job will require additional security pre-employment checks:
•    A satisfactory basic Disclosure and Barring Service check
The closing date for this position is 12 noon 4 March 2025. You will be required to upload a CV and supporting statement as part of your online application.
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