University of Nottingham Ningbo China

Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Professor Zhao Cai's Group)

University of Nottingham Ningbo China

Business School

Nottingham University Business School China Prof. Zhao Cai’s research team is seeking outstanding Postdoctoral Research Fellow to join the postdoctoral research station in business administration for the development of University of Nottingham Ningbo China research agenda.

Your Responsibility

Your key responsibilities include:

  • To formulate and articulate research objectives, alongside developing proposals for both individual and collaborative projects, utilizing established methodologies and techniques to execute research effectively within the specified area;
  • To analyze data meticulously, interpret findings, evaluate scholarly texts, and contribute innovative insights, while adhering to project deadlines and collaborating seamlessly with team members and partners;
  • To write up research work for publication and/or contribute to the dissemination at national/international conferences, resulting in successful research outputs;
  • To identify opportunities and assist in writing bids for research grant applications;
  • To build relationships with both internal and external contacts in order to exchange information, to form relationships for future collaborations and identify potential sources of funds and/or opportunities for collaboration.

About You

  • The candidate must have obtained a PhD degree within 3 years and in the relevant areas being recruited to;
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills in English, including the ability to communicate with clarity on complex information. Excellent communication skills in Chinese is a plus.
  • High analytical ability to analyse and illuminate data, interprets reports, evaluate and criticise texts and bring new insights.
  • Ability to creatively apply relevant research approaches, models, techniques and methods.
  • Ability to assess and organise resource requirements and deploy effectively.
  • Ability to build relationships and collaborate with others, both internally and externally.
  • Some practical experience of applying the specialist skills and approaches and techniques required for the role.

About Us

Join a unique British University in China. Join a unique British University in China. University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) was the first Sino-foreign university to open its doors in China. Located in Ningbo, this award winning campus offering a UK-style education has grown to establish a student body of over 9,000 in just 20 years.

About Postdoctoral research station in Business Administration. Postdoctoral research station in Business Administration was approved to establish in Nov 2023. It is UNNC’s first postdoctoral research station, and its founding deeply aligns with the national strategic needs in promoting talent cultivation and innovation as well as that of UNNC. UNNC’s undergraduate programme of Business Administration was launched in 2004 and the doctoral programme in 2009. The subject has been listed among the world’s top academic subjects by Shanghai Ranking for four consecutive years. The discipline of Business Administration has also established teaching and research platforms at multiple levels and carried out in-depth industry university research cooperation with world renowned enterprises such as Microsoft and Amazon. In the future, UNNC will incorporate the development of the postdoctoral research station into the agenda of the university to provide talent support in efforts to promote scientific and technological innovation as well as economic and social development.

About the Research Team. Dr. Zhao Cai is a Professor in Information Systems and Executive Director of Nottingham China Health Institute at University of Nottingham Ningbo China. His research interests focus on digital supply chain management, platform competition, and digital health. Findings from his research have appeared in leading journals such as MIS Quarterly (MISQ), Journal of Operations Management (JOM), Journal of Academy of Marketing Science (JAMS), and Journal of Association for Information Systems (JAIS), among others. Dr. Cai serves as the Managing Editor of Industrial Management & Data Systems (IMDS) and an Associate Editor for Internet Research (IR). Additionally, he has served as a Track Chair for the Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), a Mini-track Chair of the Americas' Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), and an Associate Editor for the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) and the European Conference of Information Systems (ECIS). For details of the PI, please refer to the link:

About the Project. This research project focuses on enhancing healthcare and pre-hospital emergency services for older adults through Community-based Pre-hospital Emergency Service Systems (CPESS). By utilizing advanced technologies, the system aims to proactively notify older adults and their families of abnormal vital signs, thereby potentially preventing emergencies. The project follows a holistic approach across three phases: pre-implementation, implementation, and post-implementation. It first investigates the intentions of older adults and their families to adopt CPESS, considering factors influencing their decision-making process. During the implementation phase, the focus is on analyzing user attitudes and behaviors, including trust, technology literacy, and social factors. Finally, the post-implementation phase assesses the long-term effectiveness and user satisfaction, ensuring the system meets the expectations and needs of its users. The overall aim is to facilitate the successful adoption and efficacy of CPESS, ultimately enhancing the well-being of older adults. This research project aims to collect both primary and secondary data to conduct multi-modal data analysis.

Your Remuneration, Benefits and Support

You will be offered a fixed term contract initially with University of Nottingham Ningbo China for 2 years with a probation of 2 months. You will be offered an annual salary package of RMB267,233 with competitive benefits package. Postdoctoral Research Fellow is also able to apply RMB50,000 research funding after starting your research.

How to Apply

Applicants should submit an application via our on-line application system before February 23, 2025. Only on-line applications will be accepted. Referees will be contacted prior to interview and interviews will take place in Ningbo China.

Applications should include but are not limited to the following:

  • A cover letter
  • An up-to-update CV includes academic and research achievement list
  • A Research proposal


Informal enquiries regarding the research project may be addressed to Prof. Zhao Cai

If you are unable to apply on-line please contact the Human Resources Office, Tel: 86 574 88180000 (Ext. 8854).