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PhD (via MPhil) Studentship: Long Term Development of Earthworm Communities in Naturally Colonised, Compared to Planted Woodland.

University of Central Lancashire - School of Engineering and Computing

Qualification Type: PhD
Location: Preston
Funding for: UK Students, EU Students, International Students
Funding amount: The studentship will provide successful applicants with an annual stipend in line with UKRI rates (for 24/25 this was £19,237 per year), subject to satisfactory progress
Hours: Full Time
Placed On: 24th January 2025
Closes: 28th February 2025
Reference: DTC01-25-01

Applications are invited for a PhD (via MPhil) Studentship in the School of Engineering and Computing. The studentship will be part of the UCLan Doctoral Training Centre for Industry Collaboration and is tenable for up to 3.5 years full time [subject to satisfactory progress]. Both Home and EU/International Applicants may apply but EU/International Applicants will be required to pay the difference in tuition fees between the UK and EU/International fee rates. The studentship will provide successful applicants with an annual stipend in line with UKRI rates (for 24/25 this was £19,237 per year), subject to satisfactory progress. 

It is expected the successful applicant will commence in September 2025.

Project Title: Long term development of earthworm communities in naturally colonised, compared to planted woodland.

Project Description:

Forest Research (FR) has been investigating newly planted trees, areas of natural tree colonisation, and mature woodland, in research that has made use of matched chronosequence sites (from 5 to 60 years old) from across England (n>35 of triplicated sites). To date, this work has revealed interesting findings with respect to aboveground tree diversity, biomass, and structure, in addition to belowground carbon status, nutrient content, and specific aspects of biodiversity (bacteria, fungi, mesofauna, and nematodes).

The proposed research will build upon this network of sites and link with the DEFRA Nature of Climate Fund and is a collaboration between FR and the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan). This project aims to investigate a further aspect of biodiversity, namely earthworms, within these chronosequence sites. As earthworms are ecosystem engineers, they are likely to have a major impact on soil dynamics and ecosystem functioning.

The student will gain from expertise of soil ecology at UCLan and that of soil biogeochemistry and trees at Forest Research. The existing sites have already provided large amounts of baseline (soil) data on which the student can build. Earthworms will form a major part of this project and demonstrate the ecosystem services that they provide.

Specific objectives will investigate:

  • Time-related effects of woodland maturation (chronosequence use) on development of earthworm communities.
  • Type of woodland development (planted / natural colonisation / mature forest) on earthworm-related parameters.
  • Tree-soil-earthworm interactions and ecosystem services.
  • Role of earthworms in the soil food web across the different woodland settings.

Further information

Informal project related enquiries about the post can be made to Dr Kevin Butt.

For the full details go to:

Applications should be completed on our online application system, selecting the following options:

Type of Study - Research Degree (Postgraduate)

Course - Master of Philosophy/Doctor of Philosophy

Campus - Preston Campus

Mode of Study - Full Time

Please quote the Studentship reference number DTC01-25-01 on the online application form.

Closing Date: 28 February 2025

Proposed Interview Date: TBC

Expected Start Date: September 2025


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