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PhD Studentship - Transforming Lives, Businesses and Communities: Funded PhD studentships in Business and Law (“Transform Studentships”)

Manchester Metropolitan University

Qualification Type: PhD
Location: Manchester
Funding for: UK Students
Funding amount: £19,237 - please see advert
Hours: Full Time
Placed On: 17th January 2025
Closes: 28th February 2025

The Faculty of Business and Law at Manchester Met is inviting applications for up to three three-year full-time PhD studentships to help build our doctoral community and cement our reputation for world-leading research. Consistent with the aims of Manchester Met’s Doctoral College, the studentships will build capacity around the key areas of research excellence, embedded in departments:

  • Finance and Economics (especially Applied Economics; Applied Finance and Governance)
  • Law (especially Equalities and Human Rights, Gender and Diversity; Sustainability, Legal Geographies and the Environment; Professional Lives and Legal Education; Sports Law and Popular Culture)
  • Marketing, International Business & Tourism (especially Place Transformations; Market Transformations; and International Business)
  • Operations, Technology, Events and Hospitality Management (especially Operations and Digital Transformation)
  • People and Performance (especially Decent Work and Productivity; and Sports Policy)
  • Strategy, Enterprise and Sustainability (especially Transformative Sustainable Futures; Strategic Enterprise Dynamics Lab)

For more information, see here (for business) and here (for law).

The “Transform Studentships” are aimed at exceptional doctoral applicants who combine a strong academic profile with a commitment to pursuing innovative and impactful research that will help build our understanding of the pressing problems facing our planet and global society. You will hold a Masters degree in the social sciences (or related disciplines) with a Merit overall. Your Master’s programme must have included a dissertation/research element. You should also hold a First or Upper-Second-Class Honours degree (or an equivalent qualification from an overseas institution).

All studentships are fully funded, with fees paid plus an annual stipend at the UKRI standard rate (£19,237 per year for 2024-2025). Successful applicants will start in October 2025.

The successful candidates will be supervised by experienced, world-leading academics in their chosen field. You will work alongside your supervisors and other academic colleagues to:

  1. Undertake excellent research using the latest and innovative methodologies leading to the timely completion of your PhD project.
  2. Prepare, present and publish research outputs through the appropriate forums e.g. research workshops, conferences, seminars, exhibitions, portfolios, academic journals etc.  
  3. Contribute to developing ideas for generating income to ensure the continued success and growth of your research group’s portfolio.
  4. Disseminate findings of research widely to further the institution’s standing in the higher education and research community and strengthen the impact of the research.
  5. Become an active member of Manchester Met’s Doctoral College and support efforts to build a cohort identity within and beyond the faculty.

We will recruit up to three candidates, based on application (including cover letter) and assessment performance, and best fit to our preferred areas of research, across our areas of research excellence. We look forward to hearing from you!

Further details about the Transform Studentships and application process here.

For an informal discussion about this opportunity, please contact Dr. Helen Wadham (, Doctoral College Faculty Head for Business and Law.

We value your feedback on the quality of our adverts. If you have a comment to make about the overall quality of this advert, or its categorisation then please send us your feedback
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