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Visiting Bye-Fellowship for Scholars from the Global South

University of Cambridge - Gonville & Caius College

Location: Cambridge
Salary: £30,000 Also see advert text
Hours: Full Time
Contract Type: Fixed-Term/Contract
Placed On: 17th January 2025
Closes: 28th February 2025

The Opportunity

Gonville & Caius College, University of Cambridge, invites applications for its Visiting Fellowship designed to support research from scholars with current academic appointments or their equivalent in the Global South (defined for present purposes as countries on the current OECD ‘DAC’ list.) Having made successful appointments in the past two years in archaeology and the life sciences, this year the fellowship will be reserved from candidates from the arts and humanities.

The Visiting Bye-Fellowship is a limited-term opportunity for the purpose of carrying out some specific research project, free of other commitments. The purposes are to permit the scholar to execute this project, to enable the scholar to engage in intellectual exchange with Cambridge scholars and to form connections that might be of longer-term benefit to their own careers and to their own institutions, and to enrich the life of the College and university by widening our own networks and perspectives. 

This one-year opportunity is open to established researchers, including those on leave or on secondment from university posts. The successful candidate will have done a minimum of three years of advanced research (postdoctoral or equivalent) and will normally have produced significant published work. The successful candidate is expected to reside in Cambridge, but research trips may be permitted.

The Visiting Bye-Fellowship is tenable for twelve months from 1 October 2025 (or such other date as may be agreed with the successful candidate). 

The Visiting Bye-Fellowship carries a stipend of £30,000, paid in monthly instalments, and a small research allowance, currently £950 per annum. The funds may be used to supplement an existing salary, pay pension contributions, or as a research grant. Subject to the right to work, a limited amount of paid College teaching and occasional lecturing and examining are normally allowed. 

Further Information

  • Equality of opportunity; the College actively supports equality, diversity and inclusion and we encourage applications from all sections of society.
  • During the application process, candidates are requested to complete the Equality & Diversity section as part of our Equal Opportunities Policyand monitoring process. The contents of this form will not be disclosed to the selection or interview panels.
  • The College has a responsibility to ensure that all candidates for this opportunity are eligible to live and research in the UK, any offer would be subject to visa approval. The college provides support with the visa process, visa costs remain the responsibility of the applicant.

The Application Process

To register and apply, and to view further details on additional benefits, please click the ‘apply’ button.

The closing date for applications is 12 noon GMT on Friday 28 February 2025.

Your application must include:

  1. An up-to-date curriculum vitae, including a list of publications.
  2. A covering letter indicating: 
  • Appointment and awards held
  • Stipend or other financial assistance receivable after 1 October 2025
  • Any appointments or awards applied for and not yet decided
  • Subject of proposed research and outline of programme (no more than 1,000 words)
  • Any plans for travel or publications, with estimated cost
  • A statement of the benefits the applicants expects to derive from their bye-fellowship and what they might contribute to the Cambridge community (no more than 500 words)

 References will be requested at shortlisting stage.

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