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PhD Studentship: Title of Studentship: Novel Research Contributions to Human-Computer Interaction in the Context of AI and Care (AI for Collective Intelligence – Healthcare Ecosystems)

University of Bristol - School of Computer Science

Qualification Type: PhD
Location: Bristol
Funding for: UK Students, International Students
Funding amount: From £19,237
Hours: Full Time
Placed On: 6th January 2025
Closes: 26th February 2025

The project:

The University of Bristol is looking to recruit a PhD student at the intersection of care, human-computer interaction (HCI) and AI. This is open to home and international students and will include tuition fees and a tax-free stipend. The successful candidate will be supervised by Aisling O’Kane, be part of the Bristol Interaction Group, and join the Artificial Intelligence for Collective Intelligence UKRI AI Hub.

We are looking for research proposals from students who are interested in making novel research contributions to HCI in the context of AI and care. Some examples of topic areas include, but are not limited to the following:

- Supporting end of life decision making through AI, supported by data from NHS and social care

- Patient generated AI and primary care

- Technology enabled social care and consumer AI technologies

- Informal care support through AI enabled technologies

- AI-enabled parenting

The successful candidate will join the Bristol Interaction Group, one of the top HCI groups in the UK and be part of the UKRI AI4CI Hub. The AI4CI Hub is a UKRI National AI Research Hub involving universities from each of the UK’s four constituent nations and over forty initial stakeholder partners from across academia, government, charities and industry. It is an applied, interdisciplinary effort to develop novel AI for collective intelligence at national scale, addressing key societal challenges, including in Healthcare Ecosystems and Human-Centred Design.

The Hub aims to generate research capacity, capability and community in AI for collective intelligence research across the UK.

How to apply:

Prior to submitting an online application, you will need to contact the project supervisor to discuss.

Online applications are made at Please select Computer Science PhD on the Programme Choice page. You will be prompted to enter details of the studentship in the Funding and Research Details sections of the form.

Please include this sentence at the top of your research statement: “Application for AI for Collective Intelligence Research Hub PhD studentship”.

A supervisor suitability form is not required when you apply.

In the Funding section, please select “University of Bristol Scholarship” as the source of funding.

Candidate requirements: 

Applicants must hold/achieve a minimum of a merit at master’s degree level (or international equivalent) in a science, mathematics or engineering discipline, or a discipline related to human-computer-interaction. Applicants without a master's qualification may be considered on an exceptional basis, provided they hold a first-class undergraduate degree. Please note, acceptance will also depend on evidence of readiness to pursue a research degree.

If English is not your first language, you need to meet this profile level: Profile E
Further information about English language requirements and profile levels.


Fees and stipend for 3.5 years. Minimum tax-free stipend at the current UKRI rate is £19,237 for 2024/25. You will also have access to £2,000 per annum for expenses and consumables spending. 


For questions about the research topic, please contact Dr Aisling O’Kane

For questions about eligibility and the application process please contact Engineering Postgraduate Research Admissions

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