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Lecturer in Applied Quantum Technology

The University of Manchester - Department of Physics & Astronomy

Location: Manchester
Salary: £46,485 to £56,921 per annum, depending on experience
Hours: Full Time
Contract Type: Permanent
Placed On: 23rd December 2024
Closes: 31st March 2025
Job Ref: SAE-027606

Job reference: SAE-027606
Salary: £46,485 to £56,921 per annum, depending on experience
Faculty/Organisational unit: Science and Engineering
Location: Oxford Road
Employment type: Permanent
Division/Team: Department of Physics & Astronomy
Hours per week: Full Time
Contract Duration: Permanent
School/Directorate: School of Natural Sciences

Applications are invited for the position of Lecturer in Applied Quantum Technology.  We are searching for an academic with an excellent record in experimental research, who will develop and apply Quantum Technologies to application-based science areas and/or Quantum Technology for Fundamental Physics area.

The successful candidate will be a leading contributor to the Centre for Quantum Science and Engineering (CQSE). Over the next period, several new positions in this area are expected to further strengthen our activities allowing the perspective for the successful candidate to develop ambitious research plans.

The CQSE remit spans significant underpinning facilities at Manchester. These include those of the Photon Science Institute, a multidisciplinary institute for physicists, chemists, engineers and materials scientists that share expertise and experimental facilities. Ultrafast lasers, low-linewidth lasers, vacuum and trapping equipment, deterministic ion implantation, and multiple cryogenic facities support a range of active experimental research in quantum science, including : silicon-based qubits; quantum optomechanical traps; high frequency cryogenic low noise amplifiers; design and construction of improved sub-Kelvin cryogenic refrigerators to be used in astronomical instruments; novel quasi-optical interferometers; quantum properties and topological defects of helium superfluids; electric dipole moments and nuclear shift moments; and development of a range of detector technologies for nuclear and particle physics applications. The candidate will be expected to bring their own research programme to complement existing activities.

The faculty house several institutes at the University that are world-leading in advanced technology research. In addition to Photon Science these include the National Graphene Institute and The Royce Institute  for advanced materials. In addition, faculty has strong links with national laboratories with Quantum programmes, including the Cockcroft Institute for accelerator science, a partnership with several other universities, located at Daresbury, a Manchester at Harwell centre, and the National Physical Laboratory. Strong international links include those with CERN and Fermilab.

The Department of Physics and Astronomy is committed to promoting Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Access through contributing to the University’s social responsibility agenda, demonstrating a commitment to its policies, activities and delivery of initiatives including the Athena SWAN charter for promoting women’s careers in STEM subjects in higher education. The Department has held JUNO Champion status since 2016 for its commitment to achieving gender equality which positively promotes inclusivity for all.

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Our University is positive about flexible working – you can find out more here

Please note that we are unable to respond to enquiries, accept CVs or applications from Recruitment Agencies.

Enquiries about the vacancy, shortlisting and interviews:

Name: Richard Curry, Chris Parkes


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Technical support:

Jobtrain: 0161 850 2004 

This vacancy will close for applications at midnight on the closing date.

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