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OCTRU Lead Statistician

University of Oxford - Nuffield Department of Orthopaedics, Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Sciences

Location: Oxford
Salary: £55,636 to £64,228 per annum, Grade 9
Hours: Full Time
Contract Type: Fixed-Term/Contract
Placed On: 23rd December 2024
Closes: 31st January 2025
Job Ref: 177177
We are seeking to recruit a Lead Statistician to join the Oxford Clinical Trials Research Unit (OCTRU) co-located within the Centre for Statistics in Medicine (CSM) at the University of Oxford. This new post is central to the strategic aspirations of OCTRU in developing numerous high-quality trials across multiple areas of medicines and phases.
As Lead Statistician you will join the OCTRU Statistics Team’s Senior Management Group led by Professor Jonathan Cook. You will contribute to the overall strategy and secure funding for the OCTRU Statistics team as a statistical or methodological co-applicant on clinical trial grant applications, supporting members of the OCTRU statistics team to do likewise. As part of this role, you will take on line and project management responsibilities overseeing trial statisticians on their work. You will ensure high quality statistical input into all aspects of clinical trials and related work within OCTRU and the CSM including the adoption of new methodologies where appropriate. You will also provide leadership to methodological research projects within OCTRU and securing grants funding for statistical led projects.
You must hold a PhD or DPhil with considerable experience working as a senior trial statistician preferably within an academic setting. You will also have extensive experience of statistical input into clinical research leading to publications in leading academic journals and a track record of contributing to and successfully securing research funding. Experience of working within a Clinical Trials Unit is desirable.
This is a full-time, fixed-term position for 3 years.
A lower grade offer (Grade 8: £48,235 - £57,255 per annum) may be made to a less experienced candidate, with commensurate reduction in responsibilities, if a suitable candidate cannot be found to fill the Grade 9 position.
The closing date for this position is 12 noon on Tuesday 31 January 2025.
Interviews for this post are scheduled to take place on Tuesday 11 February 2025. You will be required to upload a CV and supporting statement as part of your online application.
Anyone wishing to make an informal enquiry about the post should contact Prof Jonathan Cook directly on
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