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Associate Professorship of Music, with a Tutorial Fellowship at St. Catherine’s College

University of Oxford - Faculty of Music, The Stephen A. Schwarzman Centre for the Humanities

Location: Oxford
Salary: £55,755 to £74,867 Combined University & College salary, per annum, plus additional allowances, see advert for details
Hours: Full Time
Contract Type: Permanent
Placed On: 19th December 2024
Closes: 17th January 2025
Job Ref: 177406


Combined University and College salary: £55,755–£74,867 per annum.

An additional allowance (currently £3,155 per annum) would be made upon award of the title of Professor.

A college housing allowance of £11,669 is also available

The University, in association with St Catherine’s College, proposes to appoint an Associate Professor of Music with effect from 1 October 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. This is a joint appointment: the person appointed to the Associate Professorship will also be appointed to a Tutorial Fellowship at St Catherine’s (Henfrey Fellow and Tutor in Music) and will be a member of its Governing Body and a trustee of the college.

Candidates must hold a doctorate, normally in music or a closely related discipline, already awarded at the time of application.

The successful candidate will have the potential to enhance the high reputation of the Faculty of Music in research and teaching. They will have a proven record of internationally recognised scholarship and research, or the clear promise of such achievement, and will be required to provide a high standard of teaching at both undergraduate and graduate levels, including the supervision of doctoral research students.

Applications are sought from candidates with expertise on music, music making, or aural practices of the late-twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. This expertise need not be limited to any particular musical tradition or geographic area, but preference will be given to candidates whose scholarship embraces relational methods such as ethnographic fieldwork, practice-based research, collaborative creativity, community-based participatory research, or other interactive approaches that connect academic research with lived experiences. Scholars who have a track record of using applied methods are especially encouraged to apply.

Applications are particularly welcome from women and black and minority ethnic candidates, who are under-represented in academic posts in Oxford. All applicants will be judged on merit, according to the selection criteria.

Candidates wishing to have an informal discussion about the post may contact:

Head of Administration & Finance in the Faculty of Music, Andrea Jones (;

Registrar at St Catherine’s (

All enquiries will be treated in strict confidence and will not form part of the selection decision.

Only applications received before 12 noon on Friday 17 January 2025 can be considered.

Interviews are expected to be held in February 2025.

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