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Research Officer & Data Scientist

Swansea University - Faculty of Medicine, Health and Life Science

Location: Swansea
Salary: £39,105 to £45,163 per annum
Hours: Full Time
Contract Type: Fixed-Term/Contract
Placed On: 13th December 2024
Closes: 9th January 2025
Job Ref: SU00659

Location: Singleton Campus, Swansea

About The Role

The Population Data Science group at Swansea University supports world-leading research to develop cutting-edge analytical tools and methodologies to address the most pressing health research challenges. Home to Researchers & Data Scientists who focus on a range of projects and programmes that seek to improve services and people's lives through population data science research. This multidisciplinary team works in a fast-moving, agile environment and is committed to demonstrating the value of data science to a range of technical and non-technical audiences.

The Health and Care Research Wales Evidence Centre is a multidisciplinary collaboration between researchers, policymakers, and service leads across Welsh Government, academia, public health, health and social care, and third-sector organisations in Wales. The Centre will deliver evidence on the most important priorities in Wales across health and social care, and its primary aim is to ensure that policies and services put in place are relevant, effective and result in improvements for the Welsh population and a fairer society.

Utilising the Secure Anonymised Information Linkage (SAIL) Databank’s ( rich anonymised population-scale, individual-level, linked data sources to answer important population-level questions that inform policy and evaluate national programmes and projects.

We are looking for a Research Officer & Data Scientist to join our team who will work closely with various stakeholders, organisations, and groups. Our team regularly collaborates as part of many funded research projects and programmes nationally and internationally. Applications are sought for applicants with skills and experience in routine data analysis (preferably in health or social care) and a background in any of the following areas/backgrounds: epidemiology, statistics, operational research, or related informatics backgrounds to work on research in statistical methodology and data science.

Welsh Language Skills

The Welsh language level required for this role is Level 1 - A little. The role holder will be able to pronounce Welsh words, answer the phone in Welsh (good morning/afternoon) and use very basic everyday words and phrases (thank you, please etc.). Level 1 can be reached by completing a 1 hour course.

The University is a proud bilingual institution, our Welsh Language Strategy outlines our aspiration to promote the language and enable our staff to engage with the language as an additional workplace skill and as a gateway to new cultural and social opportunities. Applications are welcome in Welsh and will not be treated less favourably than those submitted in English. Welsh speakers have the right to an interview in Welsh. Applicants for a role where Welsh skills are essential are expected to present their application in Welsh and will be interviewed in Welsh, if shortlisted.

Additional Information

Applications for this role will take the format of a CV submission and cover letter.

Closing Date: 9 January 2025

Interview Date: 24 January 2025

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