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Faculty Position in Academy of Film and Creative Technology (Open Rank)

Xi'an Jiaotong - Liverpool University - Academy of Film and Creative Technology

Location: Suzhou - China
Salary: Competitive salary in the market
Hours: Full Time
Contract Type: Fixed-Term/Contract
Placed On: 22nd November 2024
Expires: 21st January 2025

Location: Taicang & Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou, China

Contract Type: Fixed-term, renewable. 3rd contract is open-ended


In 2006 Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) was created by the University of Liverpool and Xi’an Jiaotong University – a top ten university in China. Offering a unique international education experience, XJTLU brings together excellent research practice and expertise from both institutions and gives students the skills and knowledge they need to secure careers in a global marketplace. XJTLU now has over 25,000 enrolled students in both Suzhou and Liverpool in the UK, with plans to grow to about 28,000 students by 2025. There are currently about 2,000 staff, among which about 1,000 academic staff, with an almost even split between citizens of the People’s Republic of China and international passport holders. XJTLU offers our undergraduates and postgraduates over 100 programmes with a diverse spectrum of courses.

With a focus on innovative learning and teaching, and research, XJTLU draws on the strengths of its parent universities, and plays a pivotal role in facilitating access to China for UK and other institutional partners. At same time, XJTLU is exploring future education by blending the educational theory, best practice and culture from west and east.

For detailed information about the university, please visit



Reshape the landscape of employment, creating an escalating demand for rich cultural, artistic, and entertainment experiences. Recognizing the vast potential in digital content creation and production, the academy is positioned to be at the forefront of this transformation, offering a plethora of opportunities for the next generation of creative professionals. The strategic planning for future development in this domain is approached with a promise of innovation and a commitment to purposeful evolution.


Committed to reshaping the standards of creative technology and entrepreneurship education, the academy is dedicated to delivering exceptional educational experiences and training in creative arts and technology. With a focus on digital technology and driven by arts and culture, the academy is refocusing its efforts on the creation and production of digital content across various formats. This includes film/TV arts, gaming, entertainment, cultural tourism, digital performances, digital exhibitions, and internet media. The academy aims to equip students with the professional skills and readiness necessary for their future careers and success. It aspires to serve as a comprehensive ecosystem for content creation, production, and training, extending its services to the XJTLU campus communities and to all entrepreneurial collaboration partners associated with XJTLU, thereby repositioning itself as a global leader in the field.


  • Equip students with professional skills and readiness for their future careers and success.
  • Serve as a comprehensive ecosystem for content creation, production, and training.

The university provides every new faculty members with Research Development Fund to empower newly appointed staff to develop their initial or most recent research projects, to encourage the production of research with significant impact on audiences both within and beyond the academic community, and to create pathways leading to the award of competitive external funding.

The university will also support all faculty members to apply for national, province and city level programs. These programs aim to support excellent scientists, both Chinese and non-Chinese-citizen, to work and carry out research in China.


SALARY: Competitive salary in the market


Allowance: XJTLU provide various month/annual/one-off allowances as:

  • Housing allowance
  • Travel allowance
  • Kids’ education allowance
  • Relocation allowance
  • Etc.

Commercial insurance: international insurance plans customized for XJTLU staff and family members. (details refer to the University Policy)

Paid holidays:

  • Statutory Holidays (11 days)
  • Annual Leave (36 days, including University closing days)
  • Family Matters Leave
  • Paid Sick Leave
  • Marriage Leave
  • Paternity Leave
  • Parental Leave
  • Etc.

Working visa and residence permit in China:

  • XJTLU sponsors working visa and residence permit in China for the staff.


Applications must be submitted in a single pdf file that includes 3 parts in the order of:

  • A cover letter
  • A current CV, including country of citizenship and highest degree level
  • Contact Details for Three References

For specific enquiries relating to the position, please email to Professor Qian Liu, Dean of Academy by email on or to HRBP on

To learn more about working & living in China, please visit:

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* Salary has been converted at the prevailing rate on the date placed
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