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PhD Studentship: PhD Wolfson Postgraduate Scholarships in the Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences

University of Exeter - University of Exeter Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences

Qualification Type: PhD
Location: Exeter, Penryn
Funding for: UK Students, EU Students, International Students, Self-funded Students
Funding amount: £19,237
Hours: Full Time
Placed On: 28th October 2024
Closes: 17th February 2025
Reference: 5317

Exeter’s Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences is offering up to three fully funded Wolfson Postgraduate Scholarships in the Humanities, open to Home and International fee-paying candidates for study commencing in September 2025.

The research must be in the area(s) of history, literature or languages. The Wolfson Postgraduate Scholarships defines these fields broadly and accepts inter-/multi-disciplinary studies. These fields are outlined as including:

  • History: As well as broad-based historical and historiographical studies, this may include such areas as classics, history of art, visual culture, or architectural history, provided the research is grounded within historical methodology.
  • Literature: As well as literary and textual studies, this may include research that involves critical theory, theatre, film and other visual media, provided there is a literary element within the research (e.g. translation of literature to screen). It excludes creative writing.
  • Languages: Research should be in applied languages other than English. It may involve the study of literary or historical texts, theatre, film or other visual media, translation, or the philosophy of language, provided that the research is focused primarily on a language other than English. It excludes linguistics.

Exeter is a centre for world-leading research across the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences. Our departments are consistently placed at the top of national and international rankings. These Wolfson Postgraduate Scholarships could be located in the following departments:

Exeter is a portal to a rich variety of research resources offering unique archives in medieval and modern history, modern and contemporary literature and film. Dynamic partnerships with arts, culture and heritage organisations – British Museum, Historic England, London Film School, National Trust, Royal Albert Memorial Museum, Tate Britain among many others – give our researchers access to a remarkable range of research collections and facilities.

Exeter offers PhD students exceptional support:

  • A teamed approach to supervision combining research expertise from across our disciplines and access to a pastoral tutor
  • A dedicated Doctoral College, a single point-of-contact for all programme and practical needs
  • Access to a Digital Humanities Lab
  • Research and career development opportunities within the Faculty and across the University
  • Dedicated study space for HASS postgraduates
  • A well-established postgraduate research culture including conferences, seminars and journals
  • Funding opportunities for individual research needs

Awards will be granted to the strongest applicants based on an assessment of the applicant’s

  • Academic excellence
  • Research potential
  • Research proposal
  • Fit with research environment and supervision team

Applications will be assessed in line with the university’s commitment to supporting equality, diversity and inclusivity in postgraduate research.

Duration and value of award

The studentship will be for a period of up to 3 years (36 months), dependent on satisfactory progress, and provides funding of £36,250 per year. This funding will cover full tuition fees in the first instance and the remaining balance of funding will be provided to support maintenance, research, travel and training costs incurred during the student’s studies. The allocation of this funding is at the discretion of the student.

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