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Project Liaison Officer

Cardiff Metropolitan University

Job Description Project Liaison Officer - English.pdf

Job Description Project Liaison Officer - Welsh.pdf

Location: Llandaff Campus

Package: Fixed Term until 31st December 2024

Contractual hours: 37

Job category/type: Admin/Managerial

Job description

The opportunity

Cardiff Metropolitan University’s Digital Technology Learning Support Network (DTLSN) in conjunction with support from the Technocamps Programme (TC), based in Swansea University, will work with communities to enhance digital inclusion and develop digital skills. The DTLSN 4.0 project aims to build awareness, educate, and upskill economically inactive people, unemployed, low-skilled workers, and other groups in the region. It will achieve this through the delivery of a range of activities in community and/ or training centres and businesses in the region. These include workshops on topics such as basic digital survival skills and bespoke courses in creative coding, online safety awareness, computer security for businesses, machine learning and interacting with data. The main purpose of this role will be to network and recruit businesses and community learners, as well as managing the administration and delivery of the workshops.

This exciting opportunity welcomes applicants interested in a job share arrangement, promoting a flexible and inclusive work environment. 

Principal Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Establish and maintain a network of key stakeholders from businesses and community groups to raise the profile and encourage participation. 
  • Manage relationships, ensuring effective and regular communication with key influencers and stakeholders of the project so they are kept up to date with the project, including topics and format of workshops, courses and other related events.
  • Co-ordinate and liaise with local Councils to ensure that the project is meeting the expectations and addressing the needs of the appropriate communities/ areas.
  • Liaise with local businesses and communities to determine their specific needs in respect of tailored activities, including work experience and further education opportunities.
  • Develop, implement and organise the delivery of an effective programme for the workshop delivery and to inspire and digitally upskill in the region.

What we are looking for

  • 2 ‘A’ Levels or equivalent qualification or experience.
  • 5 GCSEs (including Maths and English) or equivalent at Grade C or above.
  • Excellent working knowledge of the computer science, ICT and education sectors.
  • Demonstratable ability to work independently and using own initiative, with minimal supervision.
  • Ability to work well as part of a team.
  • Excellent people management skills, including the ability to converse and work collaboratively with a wide range of stakeholders at all levels.
  • Excellent computer literacy skills, with proficiency in Microsoft Office packages.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills and an ability to communicate effectively at all levels.
  • Excellent organisational, time management and project management skills.
  • Effective presentation skills to groups of varying sizes.
  • Experience of liaising and networking.
  • A satisfactory enhanced DBS check (or willing to undertake).
  • Ability and willingness to work outside of normal office hours when required.
  • Ability and willingness to travel within Powys, Neath & Port Talbot, Vale of Glamorgan, and the surrounding region.

Why join Cardiff Metropolitan University?

In 2020, the University was named The Sunday Times ‘Welsh University of the Year 2021’; in 2021 it became the Times Higher Education ‘UK and Ireland University of the Year 2022’; and in 2022 it was ranked the top university in the UK in the People and Planet Green League.

Cardiff School of Technologies (CST) was formally launched in 2018 and has seen rapid growth, with now over 1,000 students engaged on a range of programmes spanning computing, digital and smart technology, data science and informatics, cyber security, electronics and robotics engineering. Over 20 organisations have endorsed the School including Sony, the BBC, Office for National Statistics and a wide range of digital and technology companies and colleges in the Cardiff Capital Region which are work in partnership with the University to develop and deliver applied programmes.

In addition, the University offers highly competitive terms and conditions including:

  • Annual leave of 25 days, rising to 30 days after 1 years’ service, plus 12 bank holiday / concessionary days (pro rata if part time).
  • Membership of the Local Government Pension Scheme with generous contributions.
  • Flexible and remote working opportunities.
  • Excellent family friendly policies.
  • Award winning sports and fitness facilities with subsidised membership, plus subsidised physiotherapy/complementary therapy/sports massage.
  • Access to all library facilities.
  • Salary sacrifice schemes including cycle to work.
  • Free family access to our independent specialist wellbeing support provider, Health Assured.

If you would like to talk with us about this opportunity please contact Fiona Carroll, Reader in Human Computer Interaction, at

Should a high volume of applications be received, we may need to close this vacancy early. We therefore encourage you to apply as early as possible. 

The University is committed to creating a highly inclusive culture. We offer family friendly and flexible working arrangements and a range of staff networks, forums and events to support and develop our people. We warmly welcome applications from those traditionally underrepresented in the higher education sector.

Further information

Please visit our staff recruitment website for information about working for us, our culture, benefits, work-life balance and our career progression and development opportunities.



Manylion y swydd

Teitl y swydd: Swyddog Cyswllt Prosiect 

Cyfeirnod y swydd: 23REQ0002849

Dyddiad postio: 22/07/2024

Dyddiad cau ar gyfer ymgeisio: 05/08/2024

Lleoliad: Campws Llandaf

Cyflog: 4AB, £27,979 - £ 32,982 y flwyddyn

Pecyn: Tymor penodol tan 31 Rhagfyr 2024

Oriau cytundebol: 37

Sail: Llawn Amser

Math/categori swydd: Gweinyddol/Rheolaethol

Disgrifiad swydd: Y cyfle

Bydd Rhwydwaith Cymorth Dysgu Technoleg Ddigidol Prifysgol Metropolitan Caerdydd (DTLSN) ar y cyd â chymorth gan y Rhaglen Technocamps (TC), a leolir ym Mhrifysgol Abertawe, yn gweithio gyda chymunedau i wella cynhwysiant digidol a datblygu sgiliau digidol. Nod prosiect DTLSN 4.0 yw codi ymwybyddiaeth, addysgu, ac uwchsgilio pobl economaidd anweithgar, di-waith, gweithwyr sgiliau isel, a grwpiau eraill yn rhanbarth. Bydd yn cyflawni hyn drwy ddarparu amrywiaeth o weithgareddau mewn canolfannau cymunedol a/neu hyfforddi a busnesau yn rhanbarth. Mae’r rhain yn cynnwys gweithdai ar bynciau fel sgiliau goroesi digidol sylfaenol a chyrsiau pwrpasol mewn codio creadigol, ymwybyddiaeth o ddiogelwch ar-lein, diogelwch cyfrifiaduron i fusnesau, dysgu peirianyddol a rhyngweithio â data. Prif bwrpas y rôl hon fydd rhwydweithio a recriwtio busnesau a dysgwyr cymunedol, yn ogystal â rheoli gweinyddiaeth a chyflwyniad y gweithdai.
Mae'r cyfle cyffrous hwn yn croesawu ymgeiswyr sydd â diddordeb mewn trefniant rhannu swydd, gan hyrwyddo amgylchedd gwaith hyblyg a chynhwysol.

Prif Ddyletswyddau a Chyfrifoldebau:

  • Sefydlu a chynnal rhwydwaith o randdeiliaid allweddol o fusnesau a grwpiau cymunedol i godi proffil ac annog cyfranogiad. 
  • Rheoli perthnasoedd, gan sicrhau cyfathrebu effeithiol a rheolaidd â dylanwadwyr allweddol a rhanddeiliaid y prosiect fel eu bod yn cael y wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am y prosiect, gan gynnwys pynciau a fformat gweithdai, cyrsiau a digwyddiadau cysylltiedig eraill.
  • Cydlynu a chysylltu gyda Chynghorau lleol i sicrhau bod y prosiect yn cwrdd â disgwyliadau ac yn cyfarch anghenion y cymunedau/ardaloedd priodol.
  • Cydgysylltu â busnesau a chymunedau lleol i bennu eu hanghenion penodol o ran gweithgareddau wedi’u teilwra, gan gynnwys profiad gwaith a chyfleoedd addysg bellach.
  • Datblygu, gweithredu a threfnu rhaglen effeithiol ar gyfer cyflwyno gweithdai ac ysbrydoli ac uwchsgilio digidol yn y rhanbarth.

Beth rydym yn chwilio amdano

  • Lefel 'A' neu gymhwyster neu brofiad cyfatebol 
  • TGAU (gan gynnwys Mathemateg a Saesneg) neu gyfwerth â Gradd C neu uwch 
  • Gwybodaeth ymarferol ragorol am y sectorau cyfrifiadureg, TGCh ac addysg
  • Gallu amlwg i weithio'n annibynnol a defnyddio menter eich hun, heb fawr o oruchwyliaeth. 
  • Y gallu i weithio fel rhan o dîm
  • Sgiliau rheoli pobl rhagorol, gan gynnwys y gallu i sgwrsio a chydweithio ag ystod eang o randdeiliaid ar bob lefel.
  • Sgiliau llythrennedd cyfrifiadurol rhagorol, gyda hyfedredd mewn pecynnau Microsoft Office. 
  • Sgiliau cyfathrebu ysgrifenedig a llafar rhagorol a'r gallu i gyfathrebu'n effeithiol ar bob lefel. 
  • Sgiliau trefnu, rheoli amser a rheoli prosiect rhagorol.
  • Sgiliau cyflwyno effeithiol i grwpiau o wahanol feintiau.
  • Profiad o gysylltu a rhwydweithio
  • Gwiriad manwl boddhaol gan y Gwasanaeth Datgelu a Gwahardd (neu'n barod i ymgymryd ag ef). 
  • Y gallu a'r parodrwydd i weithio y tu allan i oriau swyddfa arferol pan fo angen. 
  • Gallu a pharodrwydd i deithio o fewn Powys, Castell Nedd & Port Talbot, Bro Morgannwg a'r ardal gyfagos.

Pam ymuno â Phrifysgol Metropolitan Caerdydd?

Yn 2020 cafodd y Brifysgol ein henwi’n 'Brifysgol y Flwyddyn yng Nghymru 2021' gan The Sunday Times; yn 2021 cawsom ein henwi’n 'Brifysgol y Flwyddyn y DU ac Iwerddon 2022' gan y Times Higher Education ac yn 2022 cawsom ein rhestru fel y brifysgol orau yn y DU am gynaliadwyedd yng Nghynghrair Werdd People and Planet a’r brifysgol orau yng Nghymru yn yr Arolwg Hynt Graddedigion.

Cafodd Ysgol Dechnolegau Caerdydd (YDC) ei lansio'n ffurfiol yn 2018 ac mae wedi gweld twf cyflym, gyda nawr dros 1,000 o fyfyrwyr yn ymgymryd â nifer o raglenni sy'n rhychwantu cyfrifiadureg, technoleg ddigidol a chlyfar, gwyddor data a gwybodeg, seiberddiogelwch, electroneg a pheirianneg roboteg. Mae dros 20 o sefydliadau wedi rhoi sêl bendith i'r Ysgol gan gynnwys Sony, y BBC, y Swyddfa Ystadegau Gwladol ac ystod eang o gwmnïau a cholegau digidol a thechnoleg ym Mhrifddinas-Ranbarth Caerdydd sy'n gweithio mewn partneriaeth â'r Brifysgol i ddatblygu a darparu rhaglenni cymhwysol.

Yn ogystal, mae'r Brifysgol yn cynnig telerau ac amodau hynod gystadleuol gan gynnwys:

  • Gwyliau blynyddol o 25 diwrnod, yn codi i 30 diwrnod ar ôl blwyddyn o wasanaeth, ynghyd â 12 diwrnod gŵyl banc / consesiynol (pro rata os yn rhan-amser).
  • Aelodaeth o'r Cynllun Pensiwn Llywodraeth Leol gyda chyfraniadau hael.
  • Cyfleoedd gweithio hyblyg ac o bell.
  • Polisïau rhagorol sy'n ystyriol o deuluoedd.
  • Cyfleusterau chwaraeon a ffitrwydd arobryn gydag aelodaeth â chymhorthdal, ynghyd â ffisiotherapi/therapi cyflenwol/tylino chwaraeon â chymhorthdal
  • Mynediad i holl gyfleusterau'r llyfrgell.
  • Cynlluniau aberthu cyflog gan gynnwys beicio i'r gwaith.
  • Mynediad am ddim i deuluoedd at ein darparwr cymorth lles arbenigol annibynnol, Health Assured.

Os hoffech siarad â ni am y cyfle hwn, cysylltwch ag Fiona Carroll, ar Darllenydd mewn Rhyngweithio Cyfrifiadur Dynol.

Os bydd nifer fawr o geisiadau’n dod i law, efallai y bydd angen inni gau'r swydd wag hon yn gynnar. Felly, rydym yn eich annog i ymgeisio cyn gynted â phosibl.

Mae'r Brifysgol yn ymroddedig i greu diwylliant hynod gynhwysol. Rydym yn cynnig trefniadau gweithio hyblyg a chyfeillgar i deuluoedd ac amrywiaeth o rwydweithiau staff, fforymau a digwyddiadau i gefnogi a datblygu ein pobl. Rydym yn croesawu ceisiadau gan y rheiny sydd heb gynrychiolaeth ddigonol yn y sector addysg uwch yn draddodiadol.

Rhagor o wybodaeth

Darllenwch ewch i'n gwefan recriwtio staff i gael gwybodaeth am weithio inni, ein diwylliant, buddion, cydbwysedd rhwng bywyd a gwaith a'n cyfleoedd ar gyfer camu ymlaen yn eich gyrfa a datblygu.

Location: Cardiff
Salary: £27,979 to £32,982 per annum. Grade 4AB
Hours: Full Time
Contract Type: Fixed-Term/Contract
Placed On: 24th July 2024
Closes: 5th August 2024
Job Ref: 23REQ0002849
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