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Associate Tutor in Designed and Built Environments

Cardiff Metropolitan University

Job Description Associate Tutor in Designed and Built Environments - English.pdf

Job Description Associate Tutor in Designed and Built Environments - Welsh.pdf

Location: Llandaff Campus

Package: Casual

Contractual hours: 0

Basis: Part Time 

Job category/type: Academic

Job description

The opportunity

A British Art & Design School with a 150-year history, Cardiff School of Art & Design (CSAD) is housed in a state-of-the-art building on the Llandaff Campus and is home to students united by ambition and a true passion for creative enquiry. They are artists, designers, makers and thinkers in the fields of architecture, design, fashion, fine art, and a range of craft disciplines. The school is also home to FabLab, the Perceptual Experience Laboratory, Spin-out companies Fovotech and HUG™, and a number of major research and innovation initiatives that cohere around visual perception and user-centred design, linking disciplines from fine art to computer science. 

We are seeking to recruit exceptional, suitably qualified Associate Tutors who are available to teach in BA Architecture, BSc Architectural Design & Technology, BA Interior Design, MA Interior Design and other relevant cross-School modules, as appropriate, on an occasional or sessional basis, it is essential that you have a significant grasp of the academic and/or professional nature of their subject and can communicate this with clarity, academic rigour and enthusiasm.

Principal Duties and Responsibilities

  • To obtain and be familiar with relevant course documents which give information related to the aims and operation of the course, including the syllabus, methods of assessment, preferred teaching methods, information needed by students, course dates and times, etc.
  • To liaise with members of the programme team, as appropriate, in order to understand requirements, coordinate plans and administrative actions and to discuss changes.
  • To prepare effective course material which will fulfil the aims of the course, including enhancement of the learning experience through a student-centred approach.
  • To attend and deliver sessions as agreed, lecturing, leading discussions and otherwise providing guidance and advice and promoting learning, as required.
  • To prepare and mark, as required, any related written work, studio work, class work and examination papers, within the appropriate assessment procedures.
  • To provide constructive and timely feedback to students on their progress.
  • To keep such records of assessment and attendance as the University requires.
  • To observe class opening and closing times strictly.
  • To ensure that the Head of Department and the class are informed of their absence, where this is unavoidable, as far in advance as possible.
  • To provide, where appropriate, a course/work plan, set of objectives and reading lists to students.

What we are looking for

  • A good honours degree in a relevant discipline (architecture, interior architecture, interior design, architectural technology, architectural engineering, or cognate discipline).
  • A good master’s degree in a relevant discipline, and/or equivalent professional qualification.
  • Ability to achieve Fellow Status as part of the Higher Education Academy’s Professional Recognition scheme.
  • A good level of knowledge relevant to one or more of the following disciplines and associated professional areas: architecture, interior architecture, interior design, and architectural technology.
  • Sound knowledge in one or more of the following areas: architectural design; urban design; interior design; properties of building materials, detailing and specification; BIM; building services; building structures; surface pattern and decoration; furniture, fixtures and lighting; history and theory of architecture and design.
  • A sound understanding of pedagogy.
  • Ability to design teaching and learning material.
  • Ability to employ appropriate assessment methods.
  • Ability to undertake administrative duties in an accurate and timely fashion.
  • Ability to plan workloads.
  • Ability to identify areas for improvement and to use initiative and problem- solving skills to improve performance.
  • Ability to communicate and disseminate complex and conceptual ideas in a variety of ways – presentations, reports, learning materials.
  • Ability to develop productive working relationships as part of a professional team.

You will be an enthusiastic and friendly professional with excellent communication and interpersonal skills coupled with a commitment to providing an excellent student experience. 

To be successful you will further enrich our students’ experience through your expertise and subject knowledge as evidenced through your qualifications and experience.

If you would like to talk with us about this opportunity please contact Dr Fausto Sanna, Head of Department, at

Should a high volume of applications be received, we may need to close this vacancy early. We therefore encourage you to apply as early as possible. 

The University is committed to creating a highly inclusive culture. We offer family friendly and flexible working arrangements and a range of staff networks, forums and events to support and develop our people. We warmly welcome applications from those traditionally underrepresented in the higher education sector.

Further information

Please visit our staff recruitment website for information about working for us, our culture, benefits, work-life balance and our career progression and development opportunities.

Manylion y swydd

Teitl y swydd: Tiwtor Cyswllt mewn Amgylcheddau Adeiledig ac a Ddyluniwyd

Cyfeirnod y swydd: 23REQ0002843

Dyddiad cau ar gyfer ymgeisio: 26/07/2024

Lleoliad: Campws Llandaf 

Cyflog: £45.88 y sesiwn (ynghyd â 18% o dâl gwyliau)

Pecyn: Achlysurol

Oriau cytundebol: 0

Sail: Rhan Amser

Math/categori swydd: Academaidd

Disgrifiad swydd: Y Cyfle

Mae Ysgol Gelf a Dylunio Caerdydd (YGDC), Ysgol Gelf a Dylunio Brydeinig sydd â hanes o 150 mlynedd, wedi’i lleoli mewn adeilad o’r radd flaenaf ar Gampws Llandaf ac mae’n gartref i fyfyrwyr sydd wedi’u huno gan uchelgais a gwir angerdd at ymholi creadigol. Maen nhw’n artistiaid, yn ddylunwyr, yn wneuthurwyr ac yn feddylwyr ym meysydd pensaernïaeth, dylunio, ffasiwn, celfyddyd gain, ac amrywiaeth o ddisgyblaethau crefft. Mae’r ysgol hefyd yn gartref i FabLab, y Labordy Profiad Canfyddiadol, cwmnïau Deillio Fovotech a HUG™, a sawl menter ymchwil ac arloesi mawr sy’n cyd-fynd â chanfyddiad gweledol a dylunio sy’n canolbwyntio ar y defnyddiwr, gan gysylltu disgyblaethau o gelfyddyd gain i gyfrifiadureg.

Rydym yn awyddus i recriwtio Tiwtoriaid Cyswllt eithriadol â chymwysterau addas sydd ar gael i addysgu mewn BA Pensaernïaeth, BSc Dylunio a Thechnoleg Pensaernïol, BA Dylunio Mewnol, MA Dylunio Mewnol a modiwlau traws-Ysgol perthnasol eraill, fel y bo’n briodol, ar sail achlysurol neu sesiynol. , mae'n hanfodol bod gennych ddealltwriaeth sylweddol o natur academaidd a/neu broffesiynol eu pwnc a'ch bod yn gallu cyfathrebu hyn yn eglur, yn academaidd ac yn frwdfrydig.

Prif Ddyletswyddau a Chyfrifoldebau

  • Cael a bod yn gyfarwydd â dogfennau cwrs perthnasol sy'n rhoi gwybodaeth sy'n ymwneud â nodau a gweithrediad y cwrs, gan gynnwys y maes llafur, dulliau asesu, y dulliau addysgu a ffefrir, gwybodaeth sydd ei hangen ar fyfyrwyr, dyddiadau ac amseroedd y cwrs, ac ati.
  • Cysylltu ag aelodau o dîm y rhaglen, fel y bo'n briodol, er mwyn deall gofynion, cydlynu cynlluniau a chamau gweinyddol ac i drafod newidiadau.
  • Paratoi deunydd cwrs effeithiol a fydd yn cyflawni nodau'r cwrs, gan gynnwys gwella'r profiad dysgu trwy ddull myfyriwr-ganolog.
  • Mynychu a darparu sesiynau fel y cytunwyd, darlithio, arwain trafodaethau a darparu arweiniad a chyngor fel arall a hyrwyddo dysgu, yn ôl yr angen.
  • Paratoi a marcio, yn ôl yr angen, unrhyw waith ysgrifenedig cysylltiedig, gwaith stiwdio, gwaith dosbarth a phapurau arholiad, o fewn y gweithdrefnau asesu priodol.
  • Rhoi adborth adeiladol ac amserol i fyfyrwyr ar eu cynnydd.
  • Cadw'r cofnodion hynny o asesu a phresenoldeb ag sy'n ofynnol gan y brifysgol.
  • Arsylwi amseroedd agor a chau dosbarthiadau yn llym.
  • Sicrhau bod y Pennaeth Adran a’r dosbarth yn cael eu hysbysu o’u habsenoldeb, lle nad oes modd osgoi hynny, mor bell ymlaen llaw â phosibl.
  • Darparu, lle bo hynny'n briodol, cwrs/cynllun gwaith, set o amcanion a rhestrau darllen i fyfyrwyr.

Beth rydym yn chwilio amdano

  • Gradd anrhydedd dda mewn disgyblaeth berthnasol (pensaernïaeth, pensaernïaeth fewnol, dylunio mewnol, technoleg bensaernïol, peirianneg bensaernïol, neu ddisgyblaeth gytras).
  • Gradd meistr dda mewn disgyblaeth berthnasol, a/neu gymhwyster proffesiynol cyfatebol.
  • Y gallu i ennill Statws Cymrawd fel rhan o Academi Addysg Uwch Cynllun Cydnabyddiaeth Broffesiynol.
  • Lefel dda o wybodaeth sy'n berthnasol i un neu fwy o'r disgyblaethau canlynol a meysydd proffesiynol cysylltiedig: pensaernïaeth, pensaernïaeth fewnol, dylunio mewnol, a thechnoleg bensaernïol.
  • Gwybodaeth gadarn mewn un neu fwy o'r meysydd canlynol: dylunio pensaernïol; dylunio trefol; dylunio mewnol; priodweddau deunyddiau adeiladu, manylion a manylebau; BIM; gwasanaethau adeiladu; strwythurau adeiladu; patrwm arwyneb ac addurniadau; dodrefn, gosodiadau a goleuadau; hanes a theori pensaernïaeth a dylunio.
  • Dealltwriaeth gadarn o addysgeg.
  • Y gallu i ddylunio deunydd addysgu a dysgu.
  • Y gallu i ddefnyddio dulliau asesu priodol.
  • Y gallu i gyflawni dyletswyddau gweinyddol mewn modd cywir ac amserol.
  • Y gallu i gynllunio llwythi gwaith.
  • Y gallu i nodi meysydd i'w gwella a defnyddio sgiliau menter a datrys problemau i wella perfformiad.
  • Y gallu i gyfathrebu a lledaenu syniadau cymhleth a chysyniadol mewn amryw o ffyrdd - cyflwyniadau, adroddiadau, deunyddiau dysgu. 

Byddwch yn weithiwr proffesiynol brwdfrydig a chyfeillgar gyda sgiliau cyfathrebu a rhyngbersonol rhagorol ynghyd ag ymrwymiad i ddarparu profiad myfyriwr rhagorol.

I fod yn llwyddiannus byddwch yn cyfoethogi profiad ein myfyrwyr ymhellach trwy eich arbenigedd

a gwybodaeth bynciol fel y dangosir drwy eich cymwysterau a'ch profiad.

Os hoffech siarad â ni am y cyfle hwn, cysylltwch â Dr Fausto Sanna, Pennaeth yr Adran, yn

Os bydd nifer uchel o geisiadau yn cael eu derbyn, efallai y bydd angen i ni gau'r swydd wag hon yn gynnar. Felly rydym yn eich annog i wneud cais mor gynnar â phosibl. 

Mae'r Brifysgol wedi ymrwymo i greu diwylliant hynod gynhwysol. Rydym yn cynnig trefniadau gweithio hyblyg a chyfeillgar i deuluoedd ac amrywiaeth o rwydweithiau staff, fforymau a digwyddiadau i gefnogi a datblygu ein pobl. Rydym yn croesawu’n gynnes geisiadau gan y rhai a dangynrychiolir yn draddodiadol yn y sector addysg uwch.

Gwybodaeth Bellach

Darllenwch ewch i'n gwefan recriwtio staff i gael gwybodaeth am weithio inni, ein diwylliant, buddion, cydbwysedd rhwng bywyd a gwaith a'n cyfleoedd ar gyfer camu ymlaen yn eich gyrfa a datblygu.

Location: Cardiff
Salary: £45.88 per session (plus 18% holiday pay)
Hours: Part Time
Contract Type: Fixed-Term/Contract
Placed On: 5th July 2024
Closes: 26th July 2024
Job Ref: 23REQ0002843
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