What are RSS feeds?

Rich Site Summary (RSS) channels provide an effective method of accessing our latest job listings, making it easy to display an up-to-date job board on your website or view a simple, unadorned list within a particular area of interest.

We provide RSS feeds indexed by two different criteria:

For more information on using our feeds, please select a section below.

For Webmasters

RSS feeds provide an ideal method of displaying our job listings on your website with the minimum of effort. Two different techniques are available to suit different levels of complexity and involvement.

Javascript-generated tables — The Resource Discovery Network provide a facility to transform raw RSS feeds into a browser-readable HTML table via Javascript. This is an extremely simple yet effective method of integrating our feeds with your site, and all it requires is for you to insert a brief snippet of code at the point at which the list should appear.

To take advantage of this:

  • Select an appropriate RSS feed, either by Location or Subject Area.
  • Copy the below code into your own page, replacing CHANNEL with the full URL of the RSS channel.
  • That's it!

For further information, including details on how to customise the style of the listing output, see the RDN's guide.

<!-- Latest job listings from jobs.ac.uk -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.rdn.ac.uk/rss/viewer/?rss=CHANNEL">

Direct RSS syndication — By using the raw RSS feed as part of a server-side script, it is possible to tightly integrate our job listings with your own data, allowing unlimited customisation and removing the need for client-side technologies. The RSS URLs are listed on the Location and Subject Area indices. For an introduction on how to go about programming with RDF, we recommend you consult the below resources.

Developer Resources

For Jobseekers

Our RSS feed service is also of great use to jobseekers, providing a quick and efficient method of accessing our latest job listings. Again, two options are available to users of jobs.ac.uk:

HTML listings — An up-to-date and concise list of jobs is available in each category and location by visiting the HTML pages corresponding to each RSS feed. Browse by Location or Subject Area and bookmark the pages of your choice.

RSS readers — Instead of relying on the web-readable listings, jobseekers may choose to use a dedicated RSS reader program. These can download succinct article listings from a range of sites and provide them in a lightweight format, reducing the need to manually check for new content each day. Feedreader is one easy-to-use example; some others are mentioned on this RSS readers index.