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University of Oxford - Department of Biology
Placed on: 27/02/2025 Salary: £34,982 per annum
Closes 31 Mar
Technical University of Denmark - Department of Biotechnology and Biomedicine
Placed on: 27/02/2025 Salary: Based on the collective agreement with the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations
Closes 30 Mar
University of Glasgow - College of Science & Engineering - School of Computing Science
Placed on: 27/02/2025 Salary: £33,232 to £36,924 per annum (Grade 6)
Closes 20 Mar
University of Plymouth - Mechanical Engineering
Placed on: 27/02/2025 Salary: The studentship is supported for 3.5 years and includes Home tuition fees plus a stipend of £20,780 per annum 2025-26 rate
Closes 28 Mar
University of Cambridge - Computer Science and Technology
Placed on: 27/02/2025 Salary: £32,546 to £45,413 Research Assistant / Research Associate
Closes 01 Apr
The Royal College of Surgeons of England
Placed on: 27/02/2025 Salary: £49,909 to £61,825 per annum (plus London weighting)
Closes 31 Mar
University College Dublin - School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering
Placed on: 27/02/2025 Salary: £39,007.74 per annum
Closes 19 Mar
Victoria University of Wellington - School of Psychology
Placed on: 27/02/2025 Salary: £53,816.39 to £95,122.63 per annum
Closes 06 Apr
University of Oxford - Department of Education
Placed on: 27/02/2025 Salary: £34,982 to £40,855 per annum : Grade 6
Closes 24 Mar
University of Oxford - RDM Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, John Radcliffe Hospital
Placed on: 27/02/2025 Salary: £46,485 to £55,295 per annum : Grade 8
Closes 28 Mar
University of Exeter - Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (HASS)
Placed on: 27/02/2025 Salary: The starting salary will be from £34,132 on Grade E, depending on qualifications and experience.
Closes 20 Mar
Durham University - Engineering
Placed on: 27/02/2025 Salary: £46,485 to £65,814 (Grade 8)
Closes 03 Apr
Leo Baeck Institute London
Placed on: 26/02/2025 Salary: £35,192 pro rata (one-year fixed term)
Closes 24 Mar
University of Glasgow - College of Science & Engineering, School of Computing Science
Placed on: 26/02/2025 Salary: £40,247 to £45,163 per annum. Grade 7
Closes 26 Mar
University of Leeds - Faculty of Environment - School of Earth and Environment - Sustainability Research Institute (SRI)
Placed on: 26/02/2025 Salary: £32,296 to £37,999 per annum (Grade 6)
Closes 25 Mar
Birmingham Newman University
Placed on: 26/02/2025 Salary: £27,344 to £30,505 per annum
Closes 21 Mar
Newcastle University - Medical Sciences
Placed on: 26/02/2025 Salary: £32,546 to £40,497 per annum
Closes 19 Mar
UWE, Bristol - College of Arts, Technology and Environment
Placed on: 26/02/2025 Salary: See advert for details
Closes 11 Apr
University of Exeter - Education and Academic Services, Sports Operations
Placed on: 26/02/2025 Salary: The starting salary will be from £23,915 on Grade B, depending on qualifications and experience. This role may also be eligible for a shift allowance depending on the shift timings and hours worked.
Closes 23 Mar
King's College London - Accounting & Financial Management
Placed on: 26/02/2025 Salary: £52,874 to £72,757 Grade 7/8, per annum, including London Weighting Allowance.
Closes 30 Mar
Bournemouth University - IT Services and Systems Support
Placed on: 26/02/2025 Salary: £38,205 to £44,263 per annum (pro rata) with progression opportunities to £48,350 pa
Closes 23 Mar
University of Oxford - Department of Paediatrics, Specialised Translational Research Oxford Neuromuscular Group (STRONG), John Radcliffe Hospital
Placed on: 26/02/2025 Salary: £48,235 to £57,255 per annum, with a discretionary range to £62,407 per annum (pro-rata)
Closes 28 Mar
University of Plymouth - Peninsula Medical School
Placed on: 26/02/2025 Salary: £39,105 to £55,295 Grade 7/8, per annum
Closes 19 Mar
University of Bath - Mechanical Engineering
Placed on: 26/02/2025 Salary: £37,999 to £45,163 Grade 7, per annum
Closes 31 Mar
University of Bath - Mechanical Engineering
Placed on: 26/02/2025 Salary: £37,999 to £45,163 Grade 7, per annum
Closes 31 Mar
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