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Alfaisal University

Faculty Positions at College of Business

Alfaisal University (AU) is a highly ranked and successful University located in the capital city of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. It was founded in 2008 as a private not for profit research-oriented university, where English is the official language of instructions. It consists of six colleges: Business, Engineering, Law, Medicine, Pharmacy, and General Sciences. College of Business (CoB) offers a BBA degree in Business Administration with seven majors (Accounting, Business Analytics, Entrepreneurship & Family Business, Finance, HRM, Marketing, and Operations & Project Management), an MBA degree with six tracks (General, Accounting & Taxation, Digital Marketing, Finance, Human Capital Management, and Healthcare Management), and an Executive MBA in Healthcare Leadership, and General EMBA along with an active Executive Education & Development program with strong connection to government agencies, businesses, and industry. Soon CoB will launch its Ph.D. program. CoB subscribes to business databases and provides strong support for research. The Times Higher Education Young Universities (under 50 years old) Rankings 2022 ranked Alfaisal University 1st in Saudi Arabia, lst in the Arab World and 36th globally. Alfaisal was ranked 8th in "The World's Best Small Universities 2022."

Saudi Arabia is a country in transformation; its economy is the third fastest growing after China and India. Riyadh is an attractive, modern, and vibrant city. It is the political, economic, and cultural hub of Saudi Arabia and the Gulf Coast Countries. Because of the large, well-established expatriate community, English is widely spoken by service providers at retail outlets, schools, hospitals, and other establishments. The climate in Riyadh is comfortable during the fall and spring semesters like what you might experience in the Southwestern part of the United States, very much like Tucson and Phoenix, AZ. There are numerous, world-class educational options for the children of AU faculty. The proximity of Saudi Arabia to other Middle Eastern, European, and Asian popular travel destinations makes it an ideal location for someone who also would like to experience new cultures.

AU offers attractive rolling employment contracts with competitive compensation package commensurate with qualifications and experience of the candidate. We strive to be competitive with top research-oriented business schools in the USA. Attractive fringe benefits include family relocation and annual leave; medical/dental/optical/life insurances; and dependent/s schooling. Employment will require successful completion of credentials verification and background check(s) in accordance with university policies.

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